
Salcomp’s mission

  We power the smart world by providing the most innovative and highest quality power supplies and related solutions

Salcomp’s vision

 We become the #1 in global adapter and charger manufacturer and the leading supplier of telecom solutions


  • Increase order share in CMT business by focusing on fast chargers in China and smart phones in India.

Operational Efficiency

  • Drive India local manufacturing to full potential
  • Improve material cost competitiveness
  • Improve demand supply chain performance

Salcomp Values

Customer satisfaction

   Customer satisfaction is the base for our operations. We aim to meet our customers´ current and future needs and take their expectations into consideration at every turn. We trive to continuously improve customer satisfaction. All members of personnel, shareholders, investors, authorities and other interest groups are also our customers and we treat them accordingly.

Respect and responsibility

  We respect human rights and general ethical principles. We appreciate our customers, colleagues and other co-operation partners. We accept diversity and treat everyone fairly under all circumstances. We take responsibility for our products and operations, as well as the environment.

Continuous learning

  We develop our operations, personal skills and working methods on a continuous basis. We have an open attitude towards new ideas, working methods and feedback and encourage an innovative, bold approach. We recognize the need for change and development and react to them quickly. We accept also failures and try to learn from them.


   We are committed to our common vision and goals. We realize that the continuity of our business is based on profitability and it is our responsibility to contribute to it. We aim to increase the value of the company through profitable and successful operations and business practices.